""" 抛物模块_射猴子.py 按住鼠标左键,速度会一直增加,松开后发射! 本程序需要Python精灵模块支持,安装方法: pip install sprites """ import math from sprites import * def shoot(): global speed ball.goto(arrow.pos()) # 到达箭头坐标 angle = math.radians(ball.towards(mouse_pos())) ball.dx = speed * math.cos(angle) ball.dy = speed * math.sin(angle) ball.show() width,height = 516,389 screen = Screen() screen.setup(width,height) screen.bgpic('森林.png') # 新建造型为'circle'的小球 ball = Sprite(shape='circle',visible=False) # 新建36只猴子 counter = 0 bossid = random.randint(1,36) # 随机数 x ,y = -200,150 for i in range(4): # 4行 for j in range(9): # 9列 m = Sprite(shape='monkey.png',tag='monkey') m.rotatemode(1) # 设定旋转模式为左右翻转 counter +=1 if counter == bossid: # 如果生成这只猴子的时候,counter刚好等于bossid m.血量 = 1000 else: m.血量 = 1 m.goto(x,y) x = x + 50 y = y -50 x = -200 # 新建石头 stone = Sprite('circle',visible=False) stone.color('cyan') # 下面新建组,会自动把相应标签的对象都添加到组中 monkey_group = Group("monkey")# 新建由猴子标签组成的猴组 base = Sprite(shape='square',pos=(0,-180)) # 基坐 base.shapesize(1,2) ak = Key('a') # 新建键盘a键 dk = Key('d') # 新建键盘d键 screen.listen() arrow = Sprite(shape='pointer') arrow.goto(-220,-150) speed = 10 mkey = Mouse() # 实例化鼠标左按键 clock = Clock() # 实例化时钟对象 start_shoot_flag = False # 开始发射标志,值为False表示没有开始发射 counter = 0 # 计数器 running = True while running: if stone.isvisible(): stone.fd(5) if stone.collide_edge():stone.hide() if random.randint(1,100)==1 and stone.ishide(): stone.goto(random.choice([m.pos() for m in monkey_group if m.isvisible()])) stone.heading(base) stone.show() if ak.down():base.addx(-2) # 如果按a键,往左移 if dk.down():base.addx(2) # 如果按d键,往右称 arrow.goto(base.pos()) # 箭头到达base的坐标 arrow.heading(mouse_pos())# 箭头朝向鼠标指针的方向 # 按下鼠标指针那么speed,即速度会一直增加 if mkey.down(): speed = speed + 0.1 start_shoot_flag = True # 值为True,表示已按下鼠标左键, screen.title("速度:"+str(speed)) # 刚才按下子,现在又松开了鼠标按键,那么就会发射 if start_shoot_flag and not mkey.down(): shoot() start_shoot_flag = False speed = 10 if ball.isvisible(): ball.move(ball.dx,ball.dy) ball.dy = ball.dy - 1 for m in list(monkey_group): if m.collide(ball) and m.isvisible(): m.血量 -= 1 if m.血量 < 1:m.ht() if ball.collide_edge(): ball.hide() # 隐藏小球 all_monkeys = [m for m in monkey_group if m.isvisible()] # 所有看得见的猴子 if len(all_monkeys)==1: # 如果只有一只了 all_monkeys[0].fd(4) # 则前进 all_monkeys[0].bounce_on_edge() # 碰到边缘就返弹 screen.update() clock.tick(60)