""" 星空飞碟大战.py 由于配音需要混音器,这里用到了pygame的混音器, 所以本程序需要pygame支持,安装方法为在命令提示符里输入:pip install pygame --user """ from sprites import * import pygame.mixer def star_move(): """动态星空背景函数""" for star in stars: star.move(0,-20) if star.ycor() < -height//2: x = random.randint(-width//2,width//2) y = random.randint(10+height//2,height*2) star.reborn(x,y,0,-20) def spawn_enemy(): """不定时产生敌机函数""" if random.randint(1,10)==1 and len(enemys)<10: x = random.randint(-200,200) y = random.randint(100,300) enemy = Sprite(shape='res/ufo.png',visible=False,pos=(x,y),tag='enemy') enemy._rotatemode = 1 enemy.scale(0.5) enemy.setheading(random.randint(1,360)) enemy.show() def enemymove(): """飞碟的移动""" for e in enemys: e.fd(3) # 设定一定的机率让ufo朝向player if random.randint(10,100) == 10 and \ abs(e.xcor())<200 and abs(e.ycor()<250): e.heading(player) e.bounce_on_edge() def bulletmove(): """子弹的移动""" for b in list(bullets): b.move(0,10) if b.collide_edge():b.remove() def player_shoot(): """玩家射击函数""" if player.alive == False : return if m1.down() and framecounter % 5 == 0 : b = Sprite(shape='circle',visible=False,tag='bullet') b.scale(0.5) b.color('yellow') b.goto(player.pos()) # 移到player坐标 b.show() # 显示子弹 shoot.play() # 播放射击声 # 播放背景音乐与生成声效对象 pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load('audio/FrozenJam.ogg') pygame.mixer.music.play(-1,0) explosion = pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/expl3.wav') shoot = pygame.mixer.Sound('audio/pew.wav') width,height = 480,640 screen = Screen() # 新建屏幕 screen.bgcolor('black') # 屏幕背景色为黑 screen.setup(width,height) screen.title("星空飞碟大战by李兴球") screen.addshape('res/fighter.png') screen.addshape('res/ufo.png') frames = ['res/explosion0.png','res/explosion1.png'] [screen.addshape(frame) for frame in frames] # 星星,用来做向下滚动背景,星星的移动也可以通过移动图章实现 # 这样可以有更多的星星。如果用克隆的话有数量限制,根据计算机配置不同而不同。 star = Sprite(shape='circle') star.color('white') star.scale(0.1) stars = [star] stars.extend([star.clone() for _ in range(20)]) for star in stars: x = random.randint(-width//2,width//2) y = random.randint(10+height//2,height*2) star.goto(x,y) # 哭脸 cry = Sprite(shape='cry.png',visible=False) cry.goto(0,100) # 玩家 player = Sprite(shape='res/fighter.png',pos=(0,-200)) player.scale(0.65) player.alive = True # 表示player是活的 m1 = Mouse() # 鼠标左键检测实例 clock = Clock() # 实钟对象,用来控制fps framecounter = 0 counter = 0 # 统计击中的ufo数量 bullets = Group('bullet') # 子弹组 enemys = Group('enemy') # ufo敌人组 以下代码省略......